State capital sued for homelessness, McDonald’s hit with a hot coffee lawsuit, and Person of the Week: Ian Wilmut
PLUS: The Correspondent
Has anyone seen my F-35? Cyberattack on… Clorox, and to love and to lie
The Russell Brand allegations, the Russell Wilson almost Hail Mary, and Morocco earthquake update
Pandemic unemployment fraud, Coca-Cola launches new AI soda, and Jimmy Buffett: The man
Decongestants don’t work? Florida kid saves life thanks to TV show, and To disobey an order…
UK bans dog breed for violence? Red wine river in Portugal, and TSA’s origin story
Coco is a champion, Afghanistan breaks bad, and Death to Terrorists?
PLUS: France says no to "meat" words
China cracks down on iPhones, Florida man tries to run to London, and Person of the Week: John Warnock
Manhunt in Pennsylvania continues, surveillance clothing in the works, and War Drug