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  • 🌊 What’s Your Clearance, Clarence?

🌊 What’s Your Clearance, Clarence?

Humans nearly went extinct, T-Swift to the big screen, and 20 Questions!

Happy first day of September, first day of Labor Day Weekend, and first day of Roca having a capybara as our mascot pending your poll results. Thank you to all of our Florida readers who’ve written in to tell us they’re doing okay. Florida brings out its A-game in hurricane season — and sometimes has fun with it.

In today's edition:

  • Humans nearly went extinct

  • T-Swift to the big screen

  • 20 Questions!

 đŸ”‘ Key Stories

Humans Nearly Went Extinct?

A study in the journal Science claims that humans’ ancestor nearly went extinct ~930k years ago

  • Archeologists have found the fossils of many early human species, but very few from a period between 650,000 and 950,000 years ago

  • On Thursday, Chinese researchers claimed the fossil gap exists because our ancestors nearly went extinct. They used genetic sequencing tech to project that ~930,000 years ago, the breeding population of a human ancestor fell 98.7% to as few as 1,280

  • They say climate change likely caused that and that it stayed that low for ~100,000 years

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  • Several researchers questioned some of the study’s claims, arguing that their genetic model is unproven and that multiple other theories could explain the lack of fossil evidence from that period

  • Others called it a promising start but said more evidence is needed to prove its core claims

Ukrainian Breakthrough

Ukraine made a breakthrough in its counteroffensive, the Wall Street Journal reports

  • In June, Ukraine launched a major offensive to take back lost land. It has struggled to break through Russia’s heavily fortified lines, though, which include multiple rows of trenches supported by artillery

  • Ukraine announced Monday that it had broken through one of Russia’s defensive lines and taken a village in southeastern Ukraine. That has since been confirmed, marking the first time Ukraine has broken Russia’s line this summer

  • Ukrainian troops are reportedly exhausted, though, and Russian troops are fiercely resisting them

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  • Ukraine is playing on a shot clock: Fighting is expected to slow in the coming months as the weather worsens, meaning it has limited time to seize territory and consolidate its gains. So far, the counteroffensive has fallen far short of what the country has hoped

Thomas Discloses Finances

Supreme Court (SCOTUS) Justice Clarence Thomas disclosed trips paid for by a billionaire donor

  • Federal law requires justices to disclose gifts above $415, but not if they are acts of “personal hospitality.” That rule was changed this March to require justices to disclose flights or resort stays paid for by others

  • In April, ProPublica accused Thomas of accepting vacations from a wealthy Republican donor without reporting them; Thomas said he didn’t have to

  • Thomas’ 2022 filing, released Thursday, listed three plane rides the donor had paid for him. Some were critical

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  • The filing’s release has generated renewed criticism about corruption and conflicts of interest

  • Thomas’ lawyer accused those critics as “left wing ‘watchdog’ groups” motivated by “hatred for [Thomas’] judicial philosophy.“ “[Thomas] has never accepted a gift from anyone with business before the court,” he said, adding that Thomas committed “no willful ethics transgression” and that “any prior reporting errors were strictly inadvertent”

UNC Killing + Wrong Arrest

A professor was murdered at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill on Monday. Police then detained and handcuffed the wrong person

  • On Monday, a 34-year-old PhD student at UNC allegedly fatally shot his faculty advisor, a professor. Both individuals were Chinese

  • During a manhunt, police detained a different Chinese student who they said fit “the description 
 of the suspect”

  • They released him before arresting another student, whom they charged with murder. The accused shooter needed an interpreter in court

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  • Classes resumed on Thursday in what is UNC’s second week of the fall semester. Some student groups organized protests calling for tighter gun control, while others protested what they called racial profiling over the arrest of the unrelated Chinese student

🍿 Popcorn


  • Hollywood Swift: “Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour Concert Film” hits AMC theaters in North America on October 13. AMC and Fandango have strengthened their servers to handle record ticket demand

  • “Medically Clear” Mitch: The US Capitol’s attending physician said that Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell is “medically clear” to continue working one day after freezing up at a public event

  • Nebraska husks record: The largest crowd to witness a women’s sporting event – 92,003 – filled the University of Nebraska’s football stadium to watch its volleyball team beat Omaha 3-0


  • “Mmm radioactive sushi”: Japan’s prime minister ate fish caught from the Fukushima wastewater release area. He is now encouraging residents to enjoy the “safe and delicious” fish

  • Return of the Goat? Seven-time Formula 1 world champion Lewis Hamilton extended his contract with Mercedes until at least 2025, ending speculation he’d retire or switch teams

  • Officer, this is bull: Nebraska police pulled over a man driving with a giant bull named Howdy Doody crammed in his car’s passenger seat

đŸ‘‡đŸ» What do you think?

Our capybara typo is the gift that keeps on giving. Two minutes after Wednesday’s edition went out, we started receiving dozens of emails pointing out that we had accidentally left in two sentences about a capybara in a wrap unrelated to capybaras. Roca reader Peter from Ohio, who helped bring the capybara typo to our attention, then emailed us a picture he recently took of a capybara in Brazil. We included that picture in yesterday’s newsletter, and the capybara love from you all was incredible.

One of those readers, Gentry from Tennessee, wrote us: “The work you do is great. I enjoy it because it feels like a knowledgeable friend telling you something and I appreciate that. May I humbly suggest that the Capybara become the mascot of Roca? It’ll make a great story in 20 years! Take a poll on it?”

That brings us to today’s poll:

Today's Poll:

Should the Capybara become the mascot of Roca?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Today's Question:

See yesterday's results below the Wrap! 

🗣 20 Questions

20 questions logo

Every Friday, we ask the Roca readers 20 questions, then feature our favorite answers the following week.

The United States celebrates Labor Day this Monday, which leads us to a very special labor-focused set of 20 Questions this weekend. Whether you've been working hard or hardly working, we encourage you to answer as many as you want. We'll feature a selection of responses next Friday. If we don't respond immediately, that's just because we are celebrating our own labor – namely, by sitting on the couch and eating Doritos.

Have a great weekend. We're excited to write to you again on Tuesday! Here's the link. Have an AMAZING WEEKEND!

If you have thoughts, let us know at [email protected]!

 đŸŒŠ Roca Clubhouse

Yesterday's Poll:

Should countries give their indigenous people a permanent voice in government?

Yes: 77%
No: 23%

Yesterday's Question:

What is your favorite memory from August? As always, pictures welcome!

Todd from Knoxville: "Hike up Bell Canyon to lower falls just outside Salt Lake City mid-August. That’s about 50 miles of visibility across the basin"

Gabriela: "My favorite memory in August was going for a four-day bike packing tour in Bavaria, Germany. It was our first time and I loved so much about it. Camping someplace new every night, cycling around lakes with the mountains always in our view, romantic dinners. It was a wonderful getaway and connecting time for my husband and I."

Connor from New York: "My favorite memory was hanging out with my friends that are going off to college. I'm going to be a high school senior this fall and I spent 2 late nights out having fun with my older friends, playing pickleball, swimming, and goofing around. It felt like summer and was great to hang out with them one last time.”

Marissa: “My favorite day in August was yesterday, when I became a Canadian citizen :)”

ER from Minnesota: “My favorite August memory is attending the Minnesota State Fair - I go annually and have great memories of past visits with my family. Def the best State Fair. Each year, the local newspaper does a unique, Fair themed lip balm - this year is Crop Art (wild rice flavor)”

Last Week's 20 Qs Responses:

Last week, we went retro and made 20 Questions open-ended. We included some of the responses for each prompt below.

  1. What's your favorite restaurant?

    Olive Garden

    Texas Roadhouse

    at the moment I do not have one - overpriced, poor service and bad food

  2. Why do you like it so much?

    Good food

    I'm literally on a first name basis with the chef. We dap up everytime I come in

    If I'm going to go out I want better than home

  3. What's your favorite city you've visited?


    Savannah, GA

    Key West, FL

  4. Do you wish you lived there? Why or why not?

    No. I’m not a city person - need the quiet if the countryside

    As a young adult, yes. I would have loved to live one year in Alaska and experience all seasons

  5. Most embarrassing thing that's happened to you at work?

    Having a training system breakdown just as the platoon of soldiers showed up to use it

    Passing flatus as my DON walked by.

    Left my wireless headset off mute for a quick but noisy trip to the bathroom during a meeting.

    While having a bit of fun in the elevator with a romantic interest, the doors opened to a small group of people. (This elevator was hardly used)

  6. What was your best first date ever?

    Late night hot chocolate at San Carlos hotel in Monterey, CA in 1978, followed by walk up steep Franklin St to the Presidio. We got married four years later. Still are.

    movies and filet mignon

    Dressed as mobsters. Made arrangements and prepaid video store, ice cream parlor, etc. Then picked up our dates and proceeded to go on a crime spree “robbing” said stores armed with Super Soakers. Escaped with our loot and “broke in” to my parents’ home to enjoy our spoils. Been married almost 30 years to the dame that was my accomplice!

  7. Time you looked coolest at work?

    Sampling experimental output with a white rat on each shoulder

    I was 8 months pregnant and dressed as a nun for Halloween. I had an unlit cigarette hanging from my mouth, an empty bourbob bottle in one hand and a ruler in another hand. Went out to lunch like that.

  8. How would you define "news"?

    news: information to piss off and pit people against each other

    Unbiased presentation of facts. Trust us to use our brain.

  9. A period in history you want to learn more about?

    Dark Ages



  10. A US president who could've been on GQ

    JFK (nearly all replies)

  11. A US president who certainly couldn't have been on GQ




  12. Sport you wish you were better at?




  13. Best wedding dance song?

    Chicken dance


  14. Your favorite song with non-English lyrics?


    La Bamba

  15. Best non-Christmas holiday song?

    Monster Mash

    Auld Lang Syne

  16. Favorite TV show right now?


    Ted Lasso

    Maine Cabin Masters

  17. Most versatile condiment?




  18. Do you prefer to insert, tap, or swipe your credit card?

    Tap (nearly all replies)

  19. Actor you'd most want to have dinner with?

    Tom Hanks

    Natalie Portman

    Christian Bale

  20. Best oatmeal topping?




🧠 Final Thoughts

We hope you've all had great weeks and that your weekends are refreshing, interesting, fun, or whatever else you hope. Also, if your boss, kids, or colleagues don't seem to appreciate your labor, just know that we at Roca do. Let us know if you need a letter of recommendation. Do those 20 Qs, and have a nice Labor Day!

—Max and Max