🌊 Jack the Giant Leaker

US leak culprit identified, altruistic Cincinnati barber, and 20 Questions!

Ladies and gentlemen, the Weeknd. It's been a beautiful week here in New York, and we hope that spring has sprung where you are. Granted, spring looks different in different places. If you're in the midwest, for example, spring is a beautiful day sandwiched between flurries and a tornado. But no matter what spring looks like for you, enjoy your weekend, and thank you for riding the Roca wave.

In today's edition:

  • US leak culprit identified

  • Altruistic Cincinnati barber

  • 20 Questions!

🔑 Key Stories

Commander Sale

The owner of the Washington Commanders has reportedly agreed to sell the team for $6B

  • Dan Snyder is a US billionaire who made his fortune in advertising. He bought the team for $800M in 1999. The team has since tallied a 164-220-2 regular season record, won 2 playoff games, and changed its name

  • In 2020, allegations emerged that the team had a toxic and abusive work environment; since then, Snyder has faced lawsuits and investigations

  • On Thursday, reports emerged that Snyder reached a $6B deal to sell the team to a group led by private equity mogul Josh Harris, who owns the Philly 76ers. It’d be the most expensive US franchise sale ever

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  • Since 2020, Washington had become the subject of numerous state and federal investigations. Pressure grew on Snyder to sell, both for the team's poor performance and the allegations

Trump Sues Former Lawyer

Donald Trump sued his former lawyer for $500M

  • Trump is facing 34 charges of falsifying business records, to which he’s pleaded not guilty. Those are related to “hush” payments made to Stormy Daniels, an adult film star; a doorman; and a Playboy model

  • Michael Cohen was Trump’s personal lawyer during the 2016 election. He paid Daniels $130k to sign an NDA. In 2018, he pleaded guilty to charges related to that payment, which he said Trump told him to do. He has since written books criticizing Trump

  • On Wednesday, Trump sued Cohen for spreading “falsehoods” about Trump through his books and media appearances. Trump is seeking $500M

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  • The lawsuit claims Cohen violated attorney-client privileges – the right for a person to speak to their lawyer privately – to “pursue financial gain”

  • Cohen’s lawyer called the charges “frivolous” and predicted they’d fail in court

Leaker Caught?

Authorities arrested a 21-year-old Air National Guardsman in relation to the recent security leak

  • In January, classified documents began appearing on a small, private Discord channel; they’ve since gone viral on other platforms. US officials have suggested most are legitimate

  • The FBI, Pentagon, and other intelligence agencies launched an investigation to find the leaker; on Thurs., they arrested Jack Teixeira, a 21-year-old Massachusetts Air National Guardsman

  • It’s unclear how Teixeira would’ve accessed the docs, and officials say the investigation is ongoing

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  • Authorities say Teixeira oversaw the private Discord channel, called Thug Shaker Central, through which the documents were leaked. Per one member, the channel was a forum for “memes, offensive jokes and idle chitchat”

Cash App Killer Arrested

San Francisco police arrested an IT business owner for allegedly killing Cash App founder Bob Lee

  • Lee had played a key role in creating the Android operating system, then developed Cash App while working at payments company Square

  • Last week, Lee was found stabbed on a San Francisco street around 2:30 AM. He died soon after. A friend of Lee’s said it was a random attack

  • But on Thursday, police arrested a 38-yo IT entrepreneur who they say knew Lee. Police said the 2 had been in a vehicle together that night before an altercation. They did not release a motive

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  • San Francisco police said there was a confrontation in the car, which allegedly resulted in Lee getting out. Police say Momeni stabbed Lee with a knife, which was later found near the crime scene

  • “This is not about San Francisco, it happened in San Francisco…but this case is more about human nature,” the city’s police chief said

🍿 Popcorn


  • Rays may never lose again: The Tampa Bay Rays have kicked off the season 13-0, tying the MLB record for the best start to an opening season

  • The Penn is mightier: The University of Pennsylvania produces the highest earners of all Ivy League colleges, according to new data. Princeton comes in 2nd

  • Not one but TWO?! Manchester United allowed 2 own goals in the final 15 minutes of a tournament match against Sevilla, resulting in a 2-2 tie


  • Perks of being a hothouse flower: South Korea is offering isolated young people up to $490 monthly to go to school or work

  • 2023 airfares fly by 2019: International airfares in 2023 are up 34% from 2022 and up 32% from pre-pandemic levels in 2019. Domestic airfares are roughly the same

  • Good guy alert: A Cincinnati barber has been using his day off to give special-needs kids free haircuts every week since 2021. Friends support via a GoFundMe

👇🏻 What do you think?

Today's Question:

Today's Poll

Do you read more fiction or non-fiction? đź“–

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

See yesterday's results below the Wrap! 

đź—Ł 20 Questions

20 questions logo

Every Friday, we ask the Roca readers 20 questions, then feature our favorite answers the following week.

When reading the comments on last week’s candy edition of Take it or Leave it, one rider asked “Can we have a salty survey next Friday?”

Ask and you shall receive! Every sweet tooth needs a savory companion, so this week we have…

Take it or Leave it: SAVORY EDITION!

We've got 20 salty favorites, for each of which you'll decide if you're snacking or passing. We will average your answers and include them here next week.

Here's the link. Have an AMAZING WEEKEND!

If you have thoughts, let us know at [email protected]!

🌊 Roca Clubhouse

Yesterday's Poll:

Would you rather be...

Overheated: 49.89%

Freezing cold: 50.11%

Yesterday's Question:

What do you think your biggest contribution to society has been?

Joe from Chicago: "Back in college I trained service dogs for folks with physical disabilities. I have 2 dogs still in the field helping to change the lives of their owners for the better. Really rewarding work!"

Carl from California: "I hope my biggest contribution to society has been the years I spent teaching 4th and 5th graders. I continue to keep in touch with many of them and see the men, women, fathers and mothers they have become. It gives me joy to see them succeed."

Lawren from Texas: "I donated a kidney to a friend in need. I was not a perfect match for my friend but I was a match for someone else in the database so my kidney went to a stranger, but in return my friend got matched with another stranger and so two lives were saved as a result. Don't know that the single event impacted society too much, but I take every chance I can get to encourage others to donate. You really only need one! My quality of life is exactly the same!"

🧠 Final Thoughts

And as they say, "That's all, folks!"

We hope you have terrific weekends. Do something fun, interesting, or relaxing – or if you want to do all 3, there's 20 Questions!

See you Monday.

–Max and Max