🌊 France Lets Out Big Ver-sigh

Plus: Now introducing nicotine-free vapes...

T minus two until 🎇.

If your fridge isn't struggling to stay open from jammed-in Budweiser cases, Zyn tins (yes, you can refrigerate), and 64 bratwurst packs, then you're either A) unpatriotic or B) healthy, responsible, and eager to live a long life. Or, of course, C) not American and confused as to why Americans celebrate their Independence Day with the culinary fare of a ballpark.

🏈 $4.7B penalty for the NFL

🇺🇸 SCOTUS presidential immunity ruling

🪲 Insect killer drink at Italian restaurant?

–Max and Max


Immunity Ruling

The US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled that Donald Trump has immunity for “official acts” committed while president

  • The decision – 6-3 along ideological lines – said the president “may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers” and “is entitled…to a presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts”

  • Chief Justice Roberts added that the president “enjoys no immunity for unofficial acts, and not everything the President does is official”

  • The ruling will make it significantly harder to prosecute Trump for acts committed in relation to January 6. Lower courts will have to decide what constitutes an “official act”

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  • In the dissent, Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote, “In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.” The ruling “will have disastrous consequences for the Presidency and for our democracy,” she added



Nic-Free Vapes

Nicotine-free vapes launched in the US on Monday

  • Reynolds American – the US’ second-largest tobacco company and the owner of Newport, Camel, and other brands – launched Sensa, a nicotine-free vape brand. It’s likened the vapes to alcohol-free beer, allowing people to vape without getting the effects of nicotine

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  • The lack of nicotine raises questions about how to regulate the vapes: While they don’t necessarily fall under existing tobacco or nicotine product laws, the company says that they are instructing stores only to sell them to people 21 or older


NFL Lawsuit

A federal jury ordered the NFL to pay $4.7B

  • Most NFL games are not on broadcast TV: CBS and Fox air regional games, while out-of-market games are bundled into the “Sunday Ticket” package, which was sold by DirecTV until 2022 and is now sold by YouTube TV

  • Millions of people and businesses sued the NFL over that situation, essentially accusing it of restricting access to games and forcing them to pay for ones they didn’t want. On Thursday, a federal jury agreed, ordering the NFL to pay $4.8B to people and businesses who subscribed to Sunday Ticket

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  • Federal antitrust laws mean those fines could be tripled, making the NFL liable for $14.4B. For context, the NFL generated around $20B last year – far more than any other sports league

  • The NFL is appealing, however, if the verdict stands, it could force the league to restructure Sunday Ticket, significantly altering its model

  • The ruling could also impact leagues with similar models


France Election Chaos

French parties are rushing to deny the RN – France’s furthest-right major party – a parliamentary majority

  • France held the first of two parliamentary election rounds on Sunday. The RN performed best w/ 33% of the vote but most candidates didn’t win a majority and are headed to a second-round vote on Sunday

  • 300+ of 589 districts are headed to three-way runoffs next Sunday, in which the RN goes against both a left-wing and centrist party, for example. That could split the vote and let the RN win. The parties are scrambling to figure out whether to pull out their candidates

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  • In the first round, the RN won a record 33% of the vote. The left-wing alliance won 28.1% and President Macron’s centrist party won 21%

  • After the first round vote, the current prime minister – who is from Macron’s party – said, “The lesson tonight is that the extreme right is on the verge of taking power. Our objective is clear: stopping the RN from having an absolute majority in the second round and governing the country with its disastrous project”

  • The parties have through today to announce which candidates will not run next Sunday

Some Quick Stories for the Office

🇫🇷 Air France said that a “significant” number of potential visitors are avoiding Paris because of the Olympics, opting to go elsewhere in Europe during the Games’ duration

🎖️ ESPN gave the Pat Tillman Award – named after an NFL player who enlisted in the Army after 9/11 and was killed – to Prince Harry. The award honors people “who have used their platforms to change the world and make it more inclusive for marginalized and suffering communities”

💰 US officials – amid an investigation into a fentanyl and meth trafficking operation – told the Financial Times that Citibank is the best for money launderers

🏛 SCOTUS said the First Amendment protects social media platforms’ content-moderation policies but avoided ruling on the constitutionality of laws that prohibit such companies from restricting user speech

🏀 The Boston Celtics’ owner announced he is putting the team up for sale weeks after they won a record 18th NBA title. Analysts expect the Celtics to fetch a record price after Forbes recently valued them at $4.7B


🧠 Yesterday’s question: When were you least proud of your country?

I feel the most embarrassed about the zero tolerance policy for illegal immigration, when the government put these desperate people in cages and prisons and took away their children. I still cannot believe our own country did that!

Ashley from North Carolina

I'm never really not proud of my country as, in spite of the idiot candidates that say they represent the majority, we still live in the best country in the world. However, it is a toss up:

1. Obama when he made apologies for us,

2. Trump when he acted like a middle school bully,

3. And Biden when he stands up as our highest representative and cannot complete a sentence.

How sad is this?

Susan from Connecticut

Not proud, at all. Embarrassed even.

The entire last 8 years and 240 days with Justin Trudeau and the Liberals in power. They have made Canada a laughing stock among the world. Especially during Covid when Trudeau invoked the Emergency Act and enacted policies that were intended for times of war. Then there's his public foibles with the word "moist", not knowing what to call a reusable water bottle, and calling out protesters as "Nazis, right wing, misogynist, racists with unacceptable views as a fringe minority". Oh, don't forget his carbon tax increase, blackface, dressing up in Indian attire and dancing while in India....there are way too many things to list.

Nicole from Canada

🤔 Today’s Question: When were you most proud of your country?

Some Quick Stories for Happy Hour

🚀 Honey, I launched the rocket: A private Chinese space company’s rocket crashed and exploded into flames after it accidentally launched during a test on Sunday

🇦🇺 Ring, ring, ring, banana costume: A driver wearing a “banana costume” and balaclava is wanted by Australian police after an alleged burnout mishap in Canberra left a man hospitalized

🐴 Gallop on the left, plz: Three British military horses broke free from their handlers on Monday and ran loose through London’s streets in the second such incident in under three months

These horses ain’t loyal!

🪲 Mmm, insect killer: Two girls were allegedly served insect killer instead of cranberry juice at an Italian restaurant in Australia. Authorities are now investigating

🎮 Win but at what cost: A pro Mortal Kombat 1 player won a gaming tournament but owes $2,500 — more than the $565 in prize money — for throwing a chair while celebrating


When were you most proud of your country?

This weekend, we asked users of our app when they were most and least proud of their country. Yesterday, we ran some of the times they were least proud; today, times when they were most proud. And both days, we’ll pose the question to you!

Get Back Asap, Asap!

[Username] Sonata wrote: I am 23 years old, in general I am very proud of my country (USA) as i am allowed to truly be myself. A point in time that made me very proud was when, ASAP rocky was arrested in Sweden and president trump was tweeting for his release. When rocky got released trump then tweeted the iconic “it’s been a rocky week rocky get home asap asap” Truly a moment I was like this country is great. I hope to have more times like that. We had our president release a rapper and then tweet about it.

“Changed my Life”

patiri wrote: Sept 11 completely changed my life. The saddest I have ever been was watching the second plane crash into the tower and learning about everything that meant. I joined the Army following that and achieved my goal of becoming an Army Airborne Ranger. Sadly I left the Army never having been able to accomplish the goal of finding Bin Ladin. When the announcement was made I started crying with pride that my country got the person responsible for Sept 11.

“First Time”

RGT wrote: Romania qualified to the Round of 16 at Euro 2024 for the first time in 20 years. People partied on the streets in most major cities. It was great.

“Watched the twin towers fall”

DMD907 wrote: When I was 8 years old, I watched the twin towers fall. I remember watching the news about fire fighters rushing into the towers, not knowing if they would live or die, but that there were people that needed their help. Unwavering in the face of abject horror, and without hesitation, they went in. I now know that the following war was a colossal waste of lives and resources founded on inaccurate intelligence, but at that time I felt that our country was on the same page. I was proud.

“Liberate the Netherlands”

Ben786 wrote: When Canada helped liberate the Netherlands in WW2 is probably one of the proudest moments in our country’s history.  As my heritage is Dutch/German, this is a meaningful memory for our family.

“My Boogeyman Was Finally Gone”

MikeNaughty wrote: When they got Bin Laden. I was a kid at the time and I remember being terrified of him and the whole group. When they got him my boogeyman was finally gone

SpencerKane24 wrote: Beating osama bin ladens ass

“Natural Wealth”

SantiagoGreg wrote: Every time I wonder about Brazil’s natural wealth and potentialities

“The Springboks”

Jimstergram wrote: Winning the rugby World Cup back to back as a South African 🇿🇦. We’ve got so much that is so wrong in our country, but our national team (the Springboks) is one thing that unites us all. The guts and selfless determination the players show on the pitch for our country is nothing short of extraordinary!

“We Needed Something”

BreadManBureau wrote: We needed something to bring back some hope. After so much negativity and pain, after covid had changed it all, we needed a win as a country [South Africa]. The government was destroying the nation through corruption and rolling black outs, service delivery was failing, people on all sides were taking hits. The Springboks stepped up and went on to win the Rugby World Cup in France. Memories of when we did it 1995 when Nelson Mandela lifted the cup with our Springboks back then. We needed it like no other


PBJ wrote: When Ireland legalized same sex marriages AND then finally abortion!


dikterb wrote: America, in general and whether you agree with it or not, usually tries to do good in the world. I’m very proud of that. For millions of people, the phrase “I’m American and I’m here to help” is a sign of hope. I’m proud of that. 


Bekahwalton wrote: I’m a military brat and spent 6 years living on the naval base of Yokosuka Japan, until I was 10 years old. Every time the ships came back into port and the sailors unloaded, seeing my dad and seeing other families unite was a proud moment. Additionally, at sunset every night, the entire military base passed for Colors, walking or driving, it didn’t matter. That was a proud moment seeing everyone unite in respect for the flag as we lived overseas for to continue protecting American rights.


When were you most proud of your country? Let us know and we’ll feature your answers tomorrow!

Final Thoughts

We spent yesterday in Scranton, visiting Biden’s childhood home, an “inclusive” gun shop (run by a Roca reader), a random dive bar owned by Bulgarian immigrants, and other sites that capture one of the best-known little cities in America.

A special thanks to members of the Roca community Dustin (the gun shop owner) and Mike (a deli shop owner) for their time, insights, and AK-47s. What a day.

–Max and Max