🌊 EV Come, EV Go

PLUS: Olympics Boutta Look DIFFERENT

New day, new look.

As we’re sure you’ve noticed, this newsletter has been undergoing a makeover. We tend to do that piece-meal, putting out changes, seeing how people react to them, and adjusting accordingly. Your thoughts and feedback since we put out this current edition inspired us to make some more changes, as you’ll see today. Our goal is to make this as easy and enjoyable to read as possible. Once you’ve gone through today’s email, please let us know what you think about it.

P.S.: Frost is just back from Sierra Leone and is putting the final touches on the next Balkan installment. On-The-Ground will return on Monday!

In today's edition:

💉 Olympics with steroids

đŸș Bud Light’s new partner

👑 Crown the King!

And so much more!

–The Maxes, Jen, and Alex

Electric Vehicles Struggle

Volvo became the latest company to cut electric vehicle (EV) funding amid a slump in the global EV market

  • In recent months, Ford, GM, Renault, and other automakers have scaled back EV investments amid a broader downturn in the industry. Tesla has also warned of slowing sales, while Hertz announced it would sell one-third of its EV fleet

  • On Thursday, Volvo announced it would no longer fund Polestar, an EV company it and a Chinese automaker co-founded, and may divest from it. Polestar has lost 83% of its stock value since 2022 despite $1B+ investments from Volvo

Dig Deeper

  • While a record 1.2M EVs were sold in the US last year, signs have emerged of a global slowdown: EV sales grew 40% in the fourth quarter (October-December) of 2023, down from 49% growth the previous quarter and 52% from a year prior

  • That has shaken investor confidence that investments in EVs will be profitable in the short term

The Olympics, but with Steroids

A company called “The Enhanced Games” has raised funding to host an Olympic-style game that encourages athletes to use performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs)

  • The Olympics bans hundreds of performance-enhancing drugs and regularly tests to see if athletes are using them. It punishes PED use with suspensions and medal revocations

  • The “Enhanced Games” is pitching a new model of international competition that treats – and embraces – PEDs as “advances in medical science”

  • It has now received financial backing from several prominent investors, including PayPal founder Peter Thiel and former Coinbase executive Balaji Srinivasan

  • The company plans to hold its first event in 2025

Dig Deeper

  • “Just as the ancient Olympics were revived and renovated in 1896 for the Victorian world, the Enhanced Games is once again renovating the Olympic model for the twenty-first century,” the company’s co-founder said

  • The games will focus on “world records in popular sports such as track and field, swimming, gymnastics, weight lifting and combat sports,” its co-founder said in a statement

  • Should athletes be allowed to use PEDs? That is today’s question of the day. Let us know your thoughts!

Roca’s Saltiest Readers

What is your go-to flavor? Roca’s is citrus salt!

LMNT really made a splash with Roca last year, hydrating our way into the hearts of all you Roca Riders! We're thrilled to continue our journey together into 2024, helping the Roca Riders achieve their hydration goals

  • This year, we want to shine the spotlight on different readers who have fueled their bodies with LMNT’s salty flavors. Today is Roca Reader Myah from Chicago

  • “I have been a fan of LMNT for about a year now. I know after a good workout, hiking or if I just haven't had enough water that day LMNT will be the PERFECT drink to refuel my body,” Myah wrote us

  • “I also feel good knowing there are no hidden chemicals or tons of sweeteners, and that I am refueling my body with all positive things! It is VERY hard to find that mixture these days”

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  • As always, Roca Riders can enjoy a FREE sample pack of all eight LMNT flavors with any order – plus a no-questions-asked, risk-free refund policy

  • PS – If you’re a Roca Reader who has enjoyed LMNT, send us your story to feature next!

US Sanctions Settlers

US President Joe Biden signed an executive order allowing the US to sanction West Bank settlers involved in violence against Palestinians

  • The West Bank – a Palestinian territory in which hundreds of thousands of Israeli “settlers” live – has seen a dramatic increase in violence since October 7

  • The first round of US sanctions targeted four Israelis believed to have been involved in attacks against Palestinians

  • “Israel must do more to stop violence against civilians in the West Bank and hold accountable those responsible for it," US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said following the announcement

Dig Deeper

  • “Settlers” – Israelis who move to the West Bank – do so for economic, religious, or nationalist reasons. Settlements are illegal under international law and are a frequent source of tension between Israelis and Palestinians

  • The new US sanctions will freeze all assets held in the US by targeted individuals and lock them out of the US financial system

  • Israel’s government called the sanctions unnecessary, saying it already takes action “against people who break the law”

Hamilton Joins Ferrari

Seven-time Formula One (F1) champion Lewis Hamilton announced he will leave Mercedes for Ferrari for the 2025 season

  • In recent years, F1 has centered around a rivalry between Mercedes’ Lewis Hamilton and Red Bull’s Max Verstappen

  • Lewis has driven for Mercedes since 2013, winning six individual championships with the team. He has won seven championships overall, tying the all-time F1 record

  • Since 2021, though, Red Bull’s Max Verstappen, age 26, has reigned as world champion in large part because Red Bull’s cars have surpassed Mercedes’ as the best

  • Hamilton announced Thursday that he would sign with Ferrari for the 2025 season, representing a major shake-up for the motorsport

Dig Deeper

  • The move was preceded by years of rumors that Hamilton would join Ferrari. He had always squashed those – until now

  • Hamilton’s current contract with Mercedes extends through the 2025 season, but that contract reportedly included an exit clause

Some Quick Stories for the Office

đŸ‡ș🇩 All 27 EU leaders approved a $54B aid package to Ukraine. That occurred after Hungary’s leader – under intense EU pressure – dropped his previous opposition to the package

đŸ“±Comcast agreed to discontinue use of the “Xfinity 10G Network” brand name after an appeals board deemed the term “10G” misleading

⚖ The UK’s justice minister announced he would step down due to persistent death threats. The staunchly pro-Israel minister has faced arson attacks and wears a stab vest in public

đŸȘ– US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said the US will react to the deadly attack on US troops in Jordan with “a multi-tiered response”

💰Trump campaign committees spent $52M+ on Trump’s legal fees in 2023, financial disclosures showed. However, the legal battles also appear to be helping him fundraise

😌 The Dominican Republic will become the first Latin American country to test a four-day workweek. Several organizations will cut their work weeks to 36 hours while a university studies the results

Roca Reader Takes

Poll of the Day:

Are you familiar with Shane Gillis?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Question of the Day:

Should athletes be allowed to take performance-enhancing drugs? Respond by replying to this email!

Answers to yesterday’s poll and question are below!  

Some Quick Stories for Happy Hour

đŸ’Ș Dome ups: A Georgia congressman admitted to doing pull-ups in the top of the Capitol Dome. He claims he was being safe, adding, “I’m a Marine. I know safety. I’m an ER doc. I know safety”

🚔 Third-degree p*rn: A Malaysian court issued a three-year jail sentence to a mother who splashed boiling water on her 13-year-old son for watching p*rn under her data plan

😇 Philly Jesus Rises: A Philadelphia Lyft driver known as “Philly Jesus” is back on the road. He became a local celebrity by dressing as Jesus and playing gospel music in his car but gave up the gig in 2016

Bud Light seems to be going in a slightly different direction now

đŸ» Bud’s new look: Bud Light announced a new partnership with comedian Shane Gillis in an effort to recover from its costly partnership with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney

đŸ§» Messi napkin: A napkin on which Lionel Messi signed his first Barcelona contract is going to auction with a ÂŁ300,000 ($380,000) starting price. He signed the napkin in December 2000

đŸ›« Italy does the Wright thing: Ethiopia hailed the return of its first airplane nearly 90 years after Benito Mussolini’s fascist Italian government stole it. It flew about 30 miles in 1935 before Italy took it

Crown the King: Comedians

As is Roca tradition, every Friday we ask our readers 20 questions or polls and include the answers the following Friday. Let us know your thoughts!

20 questions logo

We are trying a new type of 20 Questions today: “Crown the King.” We think you’ll enjoy it – instructions below.

Our goal is to find out Roca Nation’s favorite member of a category. We do this is by giving you 20 options, which you can either “smash” or “pass.” Whichever gets “smashed” the most is the champion. We’ll include the ranked list next week.

In honor of Bud Light’s new partnership with Shane Gillis (see above), this week’s category is comedians! The link is here. We’re excited to see who wins.

Have a great weekend. Last week’s answers are below the Wrap!

Roca Reader Takes

Yesterday’s Poll:

Is Italy on your travel wish list?
👍 SÌ: 72%
👎 No: 28%

Yesterday’s Question:

What are your thoughts on Elon Musk?

Elisha from West Chester, Pennsylvania: “Elon Musk is a "dynamic" individual whose brilliance is unmistakable, yet his interactions with reality, particularly with the average person, are sometimes disconnected. While his ventures showcase innovation, there's a perception that he tends to trivialize or overlook certain aspects, expressing dissatisfaction when circumstances deviate from his expectations (see meaning of man-child here). His actions seem designed to provoke controversy rather than solely advance progress. This approach, to some may be called captivating, has sparked my concerns about its potential risks in politics, social media, and the environment. In short, I am not a fan.”

Tom from Salt Lake City, Utah: “I admire what he has done. He’s controversial, but he’s damn smart, and his companies all seek to improve the world. People should spend less time talking about him and more time working on similar world-improvement projects.”

Last Week’s 20 questions:

Last week, amid news of the continued decline of childhood magazine staples like Sports Illustrated and National Geographic, we did a lot of reminiscing and ran a nostalgia-themed edition to honor the bygone world that we grew up in, from the Rainforest Cafe to ESPN Zone. Here are a few of the top choices per prompt:

  1. Your favorite restaurant as a kid?


    Swiss Chalet


  2. Favorite TV show as a kid?

    Star Trek

    Brady Bunch

    Full House


  3. What's something from your childhood that no longer exits?


    Pay phones



  4. Are you still friends with your middle school best friend?

    "Yes! Even though we live states apart we talk every day. We also haven't seen each other since 8th grade.

    Yes - Jack and Jack - Jack^2

    Friends, but not best friends

  5. A scent that reminds you of your childhood?

    Fresh cut grass

    Baking bread


  6. A sound that reminds you of your childhood?

    School bell


    Ice cream truck

  7. What's something you had growing up that you wish kids had today?

    No social media

    Free time

    Neighborhood friends

  8. Best school lunch?

    My high school had a McRib knockoff we called Corrugated Beef (even though it was pork).

    The greasy pizza with a carton of chocolate milk

    Anything with tater tot’s on the side

  9. Where did you grow up?



    Ngaruawahia, New Zealand

    Rural south dakota

    New York

  10. What did you want to be when you grew up?




  11. Did that materialize?

    I hope? I'm in college trying to figure out how to make it possible

    Nope, but it's all good

    Yup, except for the long legs

    No, and I am SO glad

  12. A movie you loved as a kid that you don't like now?


    Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

  13. A movie you loved as a kid that you still like?

    Sound of Music

    Wizard of Oz

  14. Your favorite athlete as a kid?

    Michael Jordan

    Mickey Mantle

    Mary Lou Retton

  15. Your favorite musician as a kid?

    The Beatles

    Michael Jackson

    Paul McCartney

    Brittney Spears

  16. What's something random you're nostalgic for?

    Saturday morning cartoons

    Being unreachable (no cell, internet)

    The earlier Minecraft tutorial levels

    John Deere Tracters

    Stick shift

    Probably Mr. Rogers

  17. A TV commercial that could transport you back to childhood?

    The Cadbury's eyebrow advert or the one with the gorilla's drumming

    Doublemint Gum - "Double your pleasure, double your fun, with Doublemint, Doublemint, Doublemint Gum"

    Any barbie commercial

  18. A valuable lesson you learned at a young age?

    Treat others better than they treat you.

    If you want something enough, you can get it. Now I know things are not exactly as simple, but truly putting your mind to something, helps tremendously in it becoming true.

    Protect your science project from siblings

  19. When did you stop believing in Santa?

    I never did stop. Santa is real!

    When I caught my mom filling our stockings

    7 (older siblings ruined it)

  20. More than anything else, what do you miss from your childhood?Being carefree

    Living at home with my family


    Playing with my best friend all day

Final Thoughts

As mentioned, we are very eager to hear your thoughts and feedback on today’s new format. Thanks to all of you for the feedback you’ve been sending in in recent weeks. It’s been extremely helpful for enabling us to improve.

Thank you, and don’t forget to Crown the King!

—Max and Max