Laser that redirects lightning, Worst bet ever? and Live from the Border
Meet the Prince of Sales, Minor League pitchers take DNA test, and the roundabout capital of the world
Soda collusion?, US city with the worst traffic, and the Malice in Dallas
Ozone layer on the mend?, Sorry, no "emotional support snake", and The Golden Sheep
Storms clobber California, author who faked her death, and House Speaker election recap
Do not come... to Canada, emergency landing on Route 66, and 20 Questions!
Colorado's sketchy funeral home, a famous actor is related to Pocahontas, and Kowloon Walled City
Why dogs wag their tails, Denmark's first year with no bank robberies, and one of psychology's most unethical studies?
Money to leave Tokyo? Swedish wolf hunters strike out, and our vision for the news
RIP to "The Greatest", Wait, that's not the toy Tasmanian devil..., and 20 Questions!
Southwest chaos, Meme dog dying, and the Liver Saver